Digital Economy

Innovation Village partnered with Mastercard Foundation to provide a blend of digital infrastructure, tools, skilling, and channels to support those innovating to bring opportunities in the burgeoning Digital Economy closer to young people, women, smallholder farmers, small businesses, among others, across hard-to-reach communities all over Uganda, unlocking opportunities that improve lives and livelihoods. 

Program Overview

The Digital Economy Program uses technology and partnerships to unlock opportunities for those in hard-to-reach communities

The Program provides a blend of digital infrastructure, tools, skilling, and channels to support those innovating to bring opportunities in the Digital Economy closer to young people, women, smallholder farmers, small businesses and others in hard-to-reach communities across Uganda

Digital Rails

Leverage shared digital infrastructure to reduce the complexity of serving the hard-to-reach​

Partnership Program​

Tap into a network of partners to collaboratively get to more hard-to-reach communities faster​

Digital Skilling​

Access stellar technical talent, and communities empowered to leverage digital solutions​

Agent Network​

Utilize a shared agent network to get closer to digitally excluded communities faster and more efficiently​

Program in Numbers


MSMEs to adopt ICT tools and applications


Early career opportunities in technical fields

1 M

Youth, women, smallholder farmers,  small business owners and others in underserved communities

10 K

Young people (60% women) in dignified and fulfilling work opportunities


Digital entrepreneurs access digital infrastructure to scale across agriculture, education and SMEs sectors

Partner with Us

Using pre-built and highly customizable shared digital infrastructure and various partnerships, the Digital Economy Partner Program supports those building and scaling technology-enabled solutions for hard-to-reach communities in Agriculture, Education, or in support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise resilience, and so on, to do so more efficiently, sustainably and at scale, faster.  

There are currently two pathways to partner with the Program:

Program Testimonials

Today, I received my Community Pass card and I feel more optimistic than ever! The promise of using Mobipay’s digital platform to overcome the challenges I’ve faced as a young farmer, including market access and inputs, is truly inspiring. With these tools, I anticipate a significant enhancement in my groundnut farming and a boost in my productivity. This platform will provide me with access to quality inputs, real-time market information, and financial services, enabling me to make informed decisions and secure better prices for my produce. I look forward to a future where my efforts yield greater rewards, thanks to this innovative technology.

Birungyi Grace Groundnuts and Millet Farmer from Rwamwanja.

I am a young farmer and very passionate about farming. I am always interested in new ways of farming so when i was invited i had a lot of expectations- I am hopeful about the future of my beans farming after the farmer training today and receiving my Community Pass card. The promise of digital tools through Mobipay to solve the challenges of market access and obtaining quality inputs is something I’ve been waiting for. I believe this technology will empower me to take my farming to the next level. I encourage all farmers out there to embrace this digital age and not suffer as we have in the past.

Ayebale Sarah Maize and Beans Farmer from Mabale, Kyamuhamira Village

As the Treasurer and Coordinator for Ngoma Cooperative, I am thrilled to see our farmers taking a significant step forward with the introduction of digitization through Mobipay and the Community Pass cards. This is a turning point for us, promising to address longstanding challenges in record-keeping, access to finance, and creating accurate farmer profiles. These digital tools will allow us to track yields, access real-time market prices, and maintain precise records, which will enable our farmers to build strong credit scores and secure better financing options. I am confident that this digitization will empower our farmers, enhance their productivity, and lead to greater prosperity for our entire community.

Mushere Milton Treasurer and Coordinator, Ngoma Cooperative, Rwamwanja

Receiving the Community Pass card today has filled me with excitement for my Irish potato farming business. As a young mother, I’m particularly hopeful that Mobipay’s digitization will provide the support and resources needed to balance farming and family life better. The promise of improved access to markets and farming inputs is a game-changer for me and my baby. I am eager to farm better, save more, and improve my livelihood with this digitization from Agrobase.

Mary Irish potato farmer, Karo Karungi, Rwamwanja

Digitizing farming in the north is crucial. We need an aggressive mindset change to eliminate biases, ensuring sustainability and true benefits for farmers. I am eager to see my maize sold through these advancements. The world has advanced in farming, and it’s time we step up. Let’s not fear technology; let’s embrace it for a brighter future.

Akot Grace Coordinator, Agago District Farmers Association
Download the Digital Economy Program Bulletin